Reasonable space – Pocket Door Counter frame
for sliding doors system
Sesamo is a counter frame for sliding doors. Single, double, central or double sliding pocket door. SESAMO is engineered and designed by EDILMETAS in Italy, respecting the highest standard. We offer 10 year warranty!
The counter frame assembling is very easy and without sealing joint, so that to avoid corrosion and to make it last longer. A clipping system make it the easier solution.
Every SESAMO kit, is full of any part ready for fittings.
SESAMO counter frame for sliding doors is engineered and designed for easy and fast fitting. It is suitable for concrete, walls and drywall. It doesn’t affect the floor. SESAMO is a great solution for restructure and facelift. The door is held inside and can be any shape and dimesnion. Single or double leafs. We can also manufacture non standard measures.
The counter frame is for plastered walls and it is designed to guarantee stability to the door.
SESAMO for drywall has stave to hold drywall in secure way.
Every part is projected to have a fast and easy fitting.
The side of the box are realized in galvanized steel (0,5 mm), only one section without junctions. The staves are reinforced to avoid flections, then on the front side there is a special made pin to hold the brush. porta-intonaco è realizzata in acciaio zincato (maglia 25 x 50 mm) è fissata con delle alette realizzate sulle fiancate.
The mesh is an aluminium structure, design with and “hat” system in the superior part of the box.
Sliding system compounded by for wheels and bearing to support up to 80kg. The particular shape of the wheels make the weight converge right in the middle.